Hamza Deyaf, Deyaf Consulting, Small Business Consulting Austin Texas
Hamza Deyaf, Deyaf Consulting, Small Business Consulting Austin Texas

Our Story

We do not settle. We set our eyes on where we want to be, and when we get there, we look further.

- Our Mission -

Deyaf Consulting is here to support the world's next generation of business leaders. Entrepreneurship is a difficult undertaking. It requires drive, passion, stamina, vision and above all, pure grit.

After reaching revenues of 100 million as Founder and CEO of Feniex Industries, Hamza Deyaf set out to share his hard earned industry experience and knowledge with like minded business owners seeking to accelerate their growth. From the details of internal structuring, profit management, product offerings and consumer demographics, Deyaf Consulting is here to serve as a true partner for new and existing small businesses.

Contact Deyaf Consulting today and take your business to speed.

- Hamza Deyaf
Hamza Deyaf signature
Phase One:
Market Analysis

When formulating an effective market strategy it is paramount to identify your target consumer base and reach them directly with effective and clear marketing in order to create high rates of conversion.

Niche Appraisal

In our initial work together we will evaluate your product offerings and seek to refine where possible in order to position your business as a leader of industry.

Phase Two:
Product Development
Prototype Development

From product design to manufacturing and logistics - we have the industry connections and knowledge to offer meaningful insight for your business.

Iteratate for Improvement

We are firm believers in continuous deployment, failing quickly, and A/B testing. Allow us to offer our expertise to refine your business model and scale for growth.

Phase Three:
Sustainable Growth & Support

Deyaf Consulting is here to support the world's next generation of business leaders. Scaling and offering continuous support through the growth stages of your company is what we do best.

Hamza Deyaf, Deyaf Consulting, Small Business Consulting Austin Texas

What can Deyaf Consulting do for your business?

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